"The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"
  (detail)  " The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"   The Last Fish of the Ocean.
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"   Polishing the Golden Calf.
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"
  (detail) "The Remnant of the Peaceable Kingdom on a Rooftop in Union Square"   874 Broadway
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